Journal of Finance & Economics Research
JFER covers the dimensions related to Finance and Economics. JFER publishes articles which are based on conceptual, theory-driven, literature reviews, case studies and quantitative or qualitative empirical works without preference.
About the Journal of Finance & Economics Research
Journal of Finance and Economics Research (JFER) is an open access bi-annual online research journal. It welcomes contributions from all around the world and has a wide range of readers. Being an open access online journal with free publication, makes it easily available. A high quality Blind Peer review ensures its quality and original contributions in the field of Finance and Economics.
Some more about journal
Journal of Finance and Economics Research (JFER) aims to become the premier open-access resource for Finance and Economics research. What sets JFER apart from conventional journals is that it does not limits the content due to page limit or accept papers on the basis of themes; on the contrary, it assesses submitted papers purely on the basis of research impact and validity. Thus, JFER enables the process of establishing links among papers within or across disciplines. Each article is accepted after a peer review process which is openly available online and immediately upon publication, it is published under a Creative Commons license and is hosted online in perpetuity.
We believe in publishing quality content; therefore, we expect academic integrity and transparency from the authors. We seek to build a partnership with authors, editors, and readers, so
- We never expect authors to pay a submission fee neither in the form of money nor in exchange for gifts
- We don’t ask authors to pay an article-processing charge (APC)
- We don’t believe in claiming falsely to represent another person or entity
- We will never use your data without your permission
We will ensure that:
- Your published paper is double-blind peer-reviewed
- Your accepted works are published and made discoverable
- We assign DOIs to your published work
- We preserve the published version of record via digital preservation archiving schemes (Tehqeeqat)
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